Common Construction Project Disputes

There are many causes of construction disputes. Nevertheless, some construction project disputes arise more often than others. Here are some of the most common construction project disputes.

Conflict over Construction Quality

A detailed contract ought to explain what a construction project entails. However, conflicts still arise over the quality of the provided workmanship. A developer or property owner can feel that the contractor or even subcontractor did a substandard work. This can lead to a dispute or lawsuit against the person responsible for the objectionable work. A contractor can file a lawsuit if the client refuses to pay them for the work they think is substandard.

Conflict over the Used Materials

This is also related to the quality of the construction. A construction quality can minimize the chances of having this conflict. Nevertheless, when a contractor does not use the materials that the contract specifies or substitutes the specified materials with low quality material, the owner can refuse to pay. Basically, a property owner can refuse to pay when unacceptable materials are used. This can lead to a construction project dispute.

Conflict over Construction Delays

A construction project can take longer than anticipated. Litigation can occur when a contractor fails to complete the work within the agreed timeline. But, even if the contract does not specify the deadline, a construction project should be completed in a timely and efficient manner.

Nonpayment Conflict

In some cases, a contractor may complete the work using the specified materials, do the work properly, and within the set deadline but the property owner fails to pay as agreed. In that case, a contractor has the right to file a claim for nonpayment. To force the property owner to make payment, a contractor can put a mechanics’ lien on the property.

These are some of the common causes of construction project disputes. It’s important to have a construction contract and understand its provisions and implications of violating this agreement. This will enable you to avoid some construction project disputes.